What is Dermaplaning?

What Are The Benefits of Dermaplaning?

The results can vary for everyone, but realistically, you can expect to see an immediate improvement in skin tone, a brighter complexion, and your skin will be softer to the touch and smoother in appearance. Also because you’re removing any and all of your dead skin cells, your skincare products will better penetrate when you apply them, making them all the more effective.

Is Dermaplaning The Same as Shaving?

There are a couple of major differences between the two techniques, but it’s easiest to think of dermaplaning as the more thorough, skin-safe version and shaving as a cheaper, at-home option. Remember: Dermaplaning is performed with a licensed professional and dermatologists warn against trying it at home.

What Are The Side Effects of Dermaplaning?

In the hands of a professional, Dermaplaning is safe for most skin types, especially those with sun damage, fine lines, dry patches, and dull skin. But of course, there is reason the be cautious. If you have highly reactive, sensitive skin (like those with rosacea), you may want to pass on this one, since it might irritate your skin. The same goes for anyone with inflamed acne – unsurprisingly, sliding a sharp scalpel over your spots can irritate them and worsen existing breakouts by spreading bacteria.

Does Dermaplaning Hurt?

The thought of a blade sliding across your face is a daunting one, we agree. But it’s not actually painful at all. Think of it like shaving any other part of your body. Can you feel it? Yes. Does it hurt? Not if you’re doing it right. Again, that’s why it’s super important to leave dermaplaning to us, the professionals.

Is There Any Downtime After Dermaplaning?

Some light redness can be expected but not always. It’s perfectly fine and common to make an appointment during lunch and go right back to work after the 40-minute treatment. In general, downtime is not needed after this treatment.

How Often do I Need Dermaplaning Treatments?

Since this is a deeply exfoliating treatment, we recommend waiting at least a month between appointments. Although some patients with sensitive skin can even limit their treatments to once a season.

Will Dermaplaning Make My Skin More Sensitive to The Sun?

Post-exfoliation, your skin will be especially susceptible to the sun. So if you don’t take sun protection seriously, you might want to skip this treatment altogether. Otherwise, you’ll need to be extra diligent with SPF afterward, so use gentle sunscreens of at least SPF 30.

Will My Hair Grow Back Thicker or Coarser After Dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning temporarily removes the entire layer of facial hair known as vellus hair – it does not permanently remove hair. Over time, facial hair grows back after dermaplaning. Over the years, internet myths have led women to believe that it will make facial hair grow back thicker and darker than it once was. However, this is not the case. it’s common to feel a little stubble as your hair starts growing back in after dermaplaning. This doesn’t mean that your hair is thicker or more coarse. It has to do with the way each hair was cut straight across. The hair feels different to you, but it’s the exact same texture and colour as it was before dermaplaning.