Which Massage or Body Scrub is Right For You?

Which Massage or Body Scrub is Right For You?

Each of our massages are delivered on a gorgeous floating hydrotherm water cushion, leaving you feeling dreamy, nurtured and totally at ease. These body temperature, water-filled mattresses hug your curves and ensure that at all times the body is supported, a truly...
Buzby and Blue’s Guide to Fix Damaged Hair

Buzby and Blue’s Guide to Fix Damaged Hair

Damaged hair is one of the most common hair concerns to manage. From breakage to dryness and split ends, there are many ways that your hair can show signs of damage. Luckily, by choosing a strong haircare regimen that treats and restores the protein of your hair, you...
What Causes Hair Static and 7 Ways to Fight it

What Causes Hair Static and 7 Ways to Fight it

Frizz and flyaways happen to the best of us. No matter how often we moisturise our hair during the winter, escaping static electricity seems impossible. To better understand how to tame your hair static, you need to know a little bit more about what causes it. What...